Thursday, May 19, 2011

National Constitution Day

Here in Norway we celebrate the National Constitution Day by gathering in the city centers. Central to the celebration is cheering, small flags, hot dogs, soft ice cream and heliumfilled balloons going off into the distance (with a similar number of desperate parents, tending for their devastated child). The day starts off with a children's parade where they walk with their school class and teacher. Afterwards there is a public parade with organizations, theatres, sporting teams and soforth. The last parade is for the "russ", that is the graduating class in high school. For some reason we have a tradition that the russ dress up in red or blue overalls, based on the classes they've taken during
high school (blue is economical classes...go figure..), and in some areas of Norway they add a lab coat decorated with art - and wear this for about three weeks while partying and drinking, until they have their final exams. Ingenious?

Tradition for us is breakfast with champagne at our friends' house, sometimes we make it in to town for the second parade, other times not... This year we saw the public parade, where in fact there was a crowd of foreigners as there's recently been a World Beard and Moustache Championship in Trondheim. Pictures below ;).

Oh -and I almost forgot. We dress up in the bunad, our national costume.

Men's choir: "Vi har fuktet truser siden..." = "We've moisted panties since..."

Afternoon snack!

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