Who hasn't listened to a song on the radio, the TV or in a store, and thought randomly "wow, great song, wish I had it on my playlist", before moving on, never to find out who the artist is?... As an aerobic instructor I ALWAYS listen to music and think about what I can use it for. -Yeah, that one would be awesome for my core class, oh, and that one would be so cool to start my dance aerobic class with... Annoyingly, so many songs have gone by over the years, and I have missed out on so many inspiring artists!

No more!!! Because last night I found a solution to the problem. We were watching a documentary on Australian agriculture (!), and they had this incredible song as background music. I downloaded the app "Shazam" at no cost from android market to my HTC phone, pressed the shazam button, and held the phone in front of the TV. 10 seconds later I had the song title, name of artist, name of album, a link to the song on youtube, and link to amazon where I could purchase it. INCREDIBLE!
Highly recommended! :)
Ps. The song was Give a little love by Noah and the whale. The part that was used in the documentary starts at the 3 minute mark, and is definitely the best part of the song!