Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hiking in Trondheim

During the past week we've had incredible fall weather in Trondheim. Blue sky, sun and 19 degrees Celsius is not what we're used to in September! Since I was a little girl my parents have taken me hiking. Partly because we had a dog, but also because it is a very Norwegian thing to do! At my youngest I guess I didn't really raise an opinion, but as I grew older I remember being offered 5 kroner for reaching Elgeseterhytta (a cabin where they serve food). I guess the amount increased as the years went by. Now the whole ordeal is quite voluntary ;).

As you can see from the picture taken on Sunday, at Rønningen in Bymarka, I'm not the only one who is raised into believing that hiking is an obvious Sunday activity!

Last night I went for a walk along Ladestien, which is a trail along the Trondheim's fjord. It was a perfect time for enjoying the tranquil setting. I also got to call a good friend and catch up on the latest events!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dagens lektyre: Stretching

Leste en reviewartikkel i dag om tøyning. Den er riktignok fra 2002, så ikke det ferskeste på markedet.

Likevel er budskapet interessant. Alle de inkluderte var unge mennesker. Kan det være forskjell på aldersgrupper? Eventuelt; ville man hatt andre funn dersom deltakerne hadde tøyd regelmessig i en årrekke, og så sluttet? Neste artikkel tror jeg må bli om bevegelighetstrening!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I decided it was time to try something new, hence I added some halloumi to the salad last night. I fried it in oil in the pan, and it was crispy and salty.

I asked my husband what he thought of the new cheese that Henrik had recommended..."Not very much apparently, considering that I thought it was fish pudding"!

Cypriot Halloumi is cheese made from a mixture of goat's and sheep milk, although some also contains cow's milk.