Saturday, October 12, 2013

Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile

What a beautiful day to go jogging. And I am so lucky to have babysitters for little Henrik! I am enjoying the fall in Sandnes, and the remarkable nice weather. This, along with spending the days with what must be the happiest baby boy around cannot really be described properly. In short, I am definitely in a privileged situation!

I have breastfed Henrik up until now, and I have compensated by eating more cinnamon buns and chocolate than ever before. Recently I have started to be a bit more critical to what I eat...! This is an example of a healthier snack that I went for the other night - dried bananas, roasted unsalted peanuts and 70 % chocolate chips.

A small handful of the dark chocolate and the unsalted peanuts are also really yummy in bowl of vanilla flavored "mager kesam"!