Thursday, April 15, 2010

English more friend-friendly ;)

I figured that if I wrote this in English my very good friends in the US could follow my daily life as well without having to learn Norwegian in the process...!

These days I'm desperately trying to procrastinate the inevitable...
My final exam is coming up (May 25), and I have some serious studying a head of me. However, I've read everything before, and worked as a doctor with temporary licence/authorization in the meantime - so it's hard to find the motivation to dive into the material. Oh well, I'll get there! :)

After the written exam on the 25th I have two oral exams following, and graduation is on June 18th. Now, that's a day I will remember! Rune and I will go on holidays shortly after - to the Maldives! As my friend Maryam said: Are you allowed to go on honeymoon twice?? LOL.
I guess we are :).

On July 12 I go back to work in the orthopaedic department. So far I'm unemployed from mid-August and onwards, but I'm pretty sure something will open up.

I had my last class (aerobic and yoga) on Monday. It's weird not knowing whether I will go back to it or not. I've been teaching classes since I was 16, and right now have no idea whether it is something that I will be able to pick up again. Time will show, whether it is possible to combine with shifts in the hospital or not.

Other than that I've been knitting a lot...! I learned how to crochet in October through Youtube while having a slow couple of hours at work. Over Christmas my mother in law taught me how to knit. I think Rune has wanted to break the knitting pins into two pieces more than once...although I am a firm believer that I am as present in the room as ever when I'm knitting!! ;) I might add that Rune sometimes blame me for not being able to see my own limitations...

I've seen Season 1 and 2 of True blood over the past couple of weeks. Who would have thought it was addictive? Good thing season 3 isn't out yet, so that I can hibernate with my medical books for a few weeks...

My sister in law and her husband were supposed to visit us in Trondheim this weekend. But because of the ash from Iceland they wont be able to fly up here. Unfortunate!

I'll get back to y'all once there's something new to tell!